Archive for the ‘ Interesting links ’ Category

Graphs and charts

Please see Shweta’s post on new ways of presenting data – besides the old fashioned graphs and charts.

Interesting links

I’ve just caught up with my RSS feed reading and here are some interesting blog posts I would like to share with you:

This selection of links also gives you an idea about the UX blogs I follow. What UX blogs do you follow on a regular basis?

Cross-channel user experiences

I mentioned in class the book Pervasive Information Architecture. See also today’s Alertbox from Jakob Nielsen’s company about The Importance of Consistent Cross-Channel User Experiences.

As most entities communicate with users across different channels – e.g. website, app, kiosks, offline, etc. it is important to design for a consistent and user experience on all channels – same look and feel, and of course, good usability and pleasant user experience across!

Please click through and read the Nielsen column. And if you haven’t subscribed to the Alertbox yet, please do so now, if UX is something you are seriously interested in.

Happy Monday!

Monday everybody hates me

How to assign severity ratings to usability issues

One of the tasks you will do for the next usability report is identify usability issues and assign them severity ratings. This blog post from Measuring Usability (a blog I recommend you follow) helps you learn how to assign severity ratings. Please read it and learn from it.

User research in 5 (easy?) steps

Conveniently, Smashing Magazine (are you subscribing to their RSS feed?) just published a guide (with pictures!)  on a five-step process for conducting user research. Please use it to help you with your upcoming assignment.

See also their article on data-driven design. It explains how you can ground (re)design decisions in data and shows a case study.

On a related note, lest you think design is easy, consider this: in a recent usability study, half of the participants were UNABLE to find a product on shopping websites and add them to their cart.

Good design is not easy. It takes a lot of iterations and user research. Perfect design is impossible. There will always be a group of users whom the design doesn’t serve well. There will always be errors, trade-offs, and frustrations. This is why it is important to learn a reliable process that’s more likely to take us closer to good design.

Interesting link: The Internet of things

If you are not familiar with the concept, you should try to understand it. This UX Mag article, The Internet of Things and the Mythical Smart Fridge, can help you.

What opportunities and possibilities do you see for the Internet of things?

Also, do you subscribe to UX Mag? (you should…)

Breakthrough idea: brain-computer interfaces

Brain-computer interfaces are not entirely a new idea… but not mainstream either.

Here is a new prototype of a brain-powered (and controlled) toy helicopter.

Definitely beyond the GUI… and what do we (Computer Graphics department) do when computer interfaces are not graphical anymore?

Jakob Nielsen reviews Windows 8

Want to see how J. Nielsen writes on of these Good/Bad design critiques? Very similar to your blog posts – except longer. Note how he explains why a certain feature does or does not work. Please read Nielsen’s review of Windows 8.

Game usability: Assassin Creed III

As an expert in the fast-growing field of feline-computer interaction, I can attest that in spite of some initial usability issues, this game succeeds at entertaining humans and felines alike:

Why – What – How (or Strategic Thinking 101)

The WHY – WHAT – HOW of everything you do, but especially work should always be in this order.

Here is a nice slide deck from information architect Abby Covert that explains WHY, WHAT and HOW and their relationships (see slides 22-57):

Strategic thinking means that everything you do is goal-directed. Feel free to make the connection to Cooper’s goal-directed design. Whose goals is Cooper talking about? Whose goals am I talking about here?

What do you get out of this presentation? Does it change anything for you? What sense do you make out of it? Please let me know in the comments.