Posts Tagged ‘ Announcement ’

End of semester clarifications

It’s been a while since we last met, so I think people have forgotten what’s due when. Let me clarify:

  1. Wed, Dec. 4 – your final presentations. Some groups will give one 20 minute presentation, if they have worked on the same project throughout the semester. Other people will split – they will give one presentation with the group they worked with on the first 3 reports, and a second one with the group they worked with on the 4th report. See detailed instructions here.
  2. Fri, Dec. 6 – Usability report 4 is due on Blackboard by midnight. Please read the instructions in this blog post, and the Q&A in the comments section.
  3. Wed, Dec. 11 – Final exam and final portfolio are due. Instructions are on Blackboard for both of them.

In addition to these, you will have to complete 2 surveys:

  1. peer evaluation of the students you worked with. This survey will be released after UR 4 is submitted on Friday. You will get an email about it. You need to fill it out in order to receive your own peer evaluation points. So check your email!
  2. course and instructor evaluations, as indicated in emails I have already sent. A 100% response rate means each student receives 3 extra credit points.

Please stop blogging on Dec. 6. I will evaluate the blogs soon after that. Please make sure you prepare your blog for grading by:

  1. Making sure each post is categorized correctly, and appears only in ONE category.
  2. Using a WordPress theme that displays the count of posts in each category.

We talked about all these in class when we last met, but here is a reminder just in case. Please ask questions about the individual assignments in their respective blog posts (subscribe to comments to see what gets posted) and ask general questions about administrative stuff in the comments to this blog post.

Good luck as you wrap up the semester!

AMAZING internship opportunity

For 2 weeks, in Chicago, with… IDEO!!!! (if you don’t know who/what IDEO is – find out. More or less top design company. EVER.). Check out this opportunity and let me know if you decide to apply.

I would not have found out about it if it weren’t for Twitter. You might be interested in @IDEOjobs and @UXjobs.

Really, if you are serious about working in this or closely related fields, you have to be on Twitter. Just see the tweets in my UX list.

If you find Twitter foreign and intimidating, here are some step by step instructions to get you started.

Fall 2013 teams

The team membership and contact info are posted on BB > Slides and other files.

Please read the details of the Schurz Innovation Challenge and decide if you want to enter or not. The deadline is Sept 16.

But remember, this class is NOT a competition. The purpose of this class is to learn, and we learn better when we collaborate. As far as I am concerned, the competition is a side-effect. I think it would be a good motivator and an excellent experience, and I encourage you to do it, but do not let it get in the way of your learning experience. Remember, the competition is NOT a class requirement. It is your choice.

I highly recommend you touch base with your team and meet once before next class to see what you might want to do with regards to the competition.

In either case, the first step is to really understand the client and the technologies we’re working with: so research Google Glass, Schurz, and Insight Maker.

For the Insight Maker team – it would be helpful if you record yourselves as you try to use the app for the first time, to document your process of learning it and where you encounter difficulties.

Questions about teams and team projects? Please let me know in the comments below or by email if it is a private issue.

Reminders for finishing the semester

Here is what you need to do to finish this course:

  1. Make sure your blog is ready for grading on Monday Dec. 10. Check that you display categories and calendars in the navigation pane and that the posts are categorized correctly.
  2. Submit your final portfolio by Dec. 12 (see Blackboard)
  3. Submit your final exam by Dec. 12 (see Blackboard)
  4. Submit an evaluation for each person you worked with for the final project.
  5. Fill out course and instructor evaluations – these are very important for the department and for your professor!

Midterm group member evaluation

At this point in the semester, you should have worked with almost all the other students in the class. Please provide feedback on your collaboration experience by filling out this short online form.

If you need reminders of the people you’ve worked with, you can find the groups in this Google Doc file.

Please fill this form out for every person you’ve worked with, and do so before October 12.

I will use this information to:

  1. help each one of you figure out what kind of group member you are and how you can improve
  2. assess your participation and professionalism (part of your APP grade)
  3. try to be sensitive to your preferences when I create groups for future assignments

Design and Usability Principles: Plan for Sept 21 & Sept 28

Class on Sept  21 and Sept 28 will be crowd-sourced and collaborative.

Please read instructions and sign up for one or more presentation topics on each day.

Questions about these presentations? Please ask them in the comments below.