Posts Tagged ‘ emotional design ’

Emotional and seductive design

Since many of you are interested in emotional impact, I’d like to make some recommendations for future reading. You could start with this blog post on designing for the gut (and please add UX Magazine to your RSS feed).

The classic book on this topic is Donald Norman’s Emotional Design.

There is also this book on Seductive IxD: (SE – maybe you can share your reading notes about this book on your blog?)

And, if you’re serious about this, you should really read Don Norman’s The Design of Everyday Things:

Oh, and also? Google Don Norman. Stalk him. Research him. Watch his talks.


Design for reflective processing

Interesting blog post on designing for reflective processing – relates to our class discussion.

Do note the definition of reflective processing as introduced by Norman. It does not refer to reflection as thinking, but to reflection as in a mirror – do you see your self-concept mirrored in the product? Does the product conform to your self-image? Think about how important this is when choosing a car, for example.

Reflective processing is when our desires for uniqueness and cultural or aesthetic sophistication influence our preferences. Simply put, it is about seeing ourselves positively reflected in the products we use.

But then, how do you design products that are aligned with your users’ self-image? Read the blog post!